Wear the message proudly
A Symbol of hope & unity

Crafted with care and infused with meaning, each Let Our People Go bracelet serves as a powerful symbol of hope and a physical reminder of the enduring spirit of Am Yisrael. Etched with the timeless words 'Am Yisrael Chai'—the nation of Israel lives—these metal cuffs embody the resilience and perseverance of the Jewish people. Inside each cuff, you’ll find the name of one of the fallen, a poignant reminder of their courage and sacrifice, and our solemn commitment to honor their memory.
As a token of our appreciation for your support, we offer these exclusive memorial cuffs as a gift to those who donate $50 or more to our cause.

Donations to this project are tax deductible in the USA (501(c)(3)). Non-profit number: 99-0436387