9.8 million Israelis are held hostage to genocidal terrorism. Unite against terror and let our people go.
Israel’s survival demands courage, not concession.
In the battle for survival, there’s only one path forward: strength. Beyond physical threats, it’s about rooting out the ideology fueling the terror holding Israel and the world hostage.
Diplomatic pleasantries and hollow statements are over. We cannot compromise on our people's survival. "Never Again" is not a slogan; it's a promise.
Strength in
Israel is held hostage to genocidal terrorism. We stand united to liberate our family held hostage in Gaza and to free Israel from the shackles of terror. But our fight goes beyond physical threats; it extends to confronting the evil ideology that has taken the world hostage. Our mission is to challenge this darkness and bring forth a brighter future for our people. Join the movement to Let Our People Go!